Thursday, 3 May 2012


Of both the literal and cultural variety this week, readers.

First the cultural. It all started last Thursday night, when we hit town and to take in the South African opera.

It was just the most amazing experience of a staged production I've ever had: ever, ever, ever. I loved every minute. This clip hardly does it justice.

By the end I was up on my feet, loudly showing my appreciation. The encore was a traditional South African song, and afterwards the man next to me asked me its name. I chose to be flattered, rather than annoyed, on this occasion, readers. I wish I did know its name and all the words. I've been slightly obsessed with South Africa, since it began its new life...South African arts, South African fashion...(of which, more later).

Now to the literal heatwave. I'm so pleased to tell this blog that Raphy and I continue our explorations into darkest Brandenburg...
As temperatures soared to 30 degrees, we took to our wheels... 
...and were to be found lakeside...
...and riverside on the beautiful, watery outskirts of Berlin.
Truly a bike will take you anywhere in this city. Its hard to believe that scenes like this are within the borders of the capital.

I'm really very inspired to create something from this image...
Ahhh, but since the heatwave seems to be over...This weekend, I'm looking forward to BE.BOP and a new exhibition Fashioning Fashion....

Peace peeps!